- Software version 11.26.32 or higher
- SSL port 443 for communication
- A1610/A1210 firmware version 10.12.236.x or higher. (Note: these controllers come in two firmware flavors. The 10.x firmware is required for integration with the software. The 11.x firmware is not supported as this is used solely with Axis software
- Controller must first be factory defaulted
- Create a file called '29000.ini'. Edit this file and enter this following (if you want to ignore the use of card Facility Codes:
1. Login to the Web Client
2. Go to Configuration>Hardware Manager
3. Add the Axis A1210/A1610 Driver
4. Under the Driver, add the A1210 or A1610 controller
5. In the Controller property, enter the password for the 'root' user in the controller
6. In the IP Address property, enter the IP address of the controller
7. Click Save
8. The controller should now come online after 30 secs
9. Push a 'Hardware' download to the controller
10. After the hardware download is completed, push a download of Time/Holidays/Access Level and Personnel
11. Test a card