Graphic Maps - Importing Maps

Graphic maps gives you a visual representation of your site, where you can plot Readers, Inputs, Output etc. The steps below will guide you to import a map into UnityIS.

  • From the dashboard, click on Monitor and Control and then select Graphic Maps to open the module.
  • Click on the Configuration Mode button to go into configuration menu.
  • Now click on +Import Map to add a new map to UnityIS, to delete an existing map, select it from the drop-down menu and then click on xDelete Map.
  • In the +New Map pop-up window, you can either drag and drop a map or click in the box to browser for a map in your computer.
  • Once the map is added then click on Close button to complete import.
  • Click on Edit Properties button to change the properties of the map you imported, like renaming it or add it to a site folder. Please note that if you do not add it to a site folder then a folder will be created with that map name.
  • Click on Save button to apply changes and then click on Exit Configuration Mode to complete the process of importing maps into UnityIS.

Watch video tutorial here.

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