UnityIS Server and Database Migration

Introduction:  This article is intended for  UnityIS Web On-Premises and legacy UnityIS/IS2000 systems. This article will provide detailed procedures on how to migrate your UnityIS Server and the UnityIS database from one PC to another PC. It is assumed that the UnityIS database is stored in a separate SQL Server.


  • Existing UnityIS MUST be on ACTIVE software maintenance. To check for maintenance status, login to UnityIS, go to Help>About
  • SQL account with System Admin access to existing and new SQL Server
  • Windows account with local admin rights to existing and new UnityIS Server
  • Download the UnityIS Full Install file to run the software install on New UnityIS Server. You can download it from this link
  • Download the UnityIS Upgrade file to run the software upgrade on New UnityIS Server. You can download it from this link
  • Disable your Anti-virus and turn of firewall for the upgrade process (recommended)

Pre-Migration Procedures
Note: the Production UnityIS server does not need to be stopped during this process. It can continue to run without any interruptions.

  1. Login to existing UnityIS Server and make a backup copy of the 'Data' folder (typically located in C:\Program Files (x86)\UnityIS). Copy the 'Data' folder to a USB drive or network share.
    • If using the Milestone ACM Driver, copy the 'milestone.ini' located in C:\Program Files (x86)\UnityIS\Drivers to same USB drive or network share. 
    • If using the Axis A1001 Driver, copy the 'axis2000.ini' located in C:\Program Files (x86)\UnityIS\Drivers to same USB drive or network share. 
  2. Next, take a backup of the UnityIS database and copy this database .bak file to same USB drive or network share. 
  3. On the new SQL Server, restore the UnityIS database from the backup taken in Step 2.
  4. Create an SQL User account with dbowner rights to the newly restored UnityIS database. This SQL user will be used to established the connection of the UnityIS application the newly restored database
  5. Perform a Full Install of UnityIS on new Server. Use the "UnityIS_Full_Install.exe" file. Contact IMRON Support to obtain license information to activate UnityIS
  6. Run the UnityIS Configuration Utility to create the connection to the new restored database. Connection is successfully established if you're able to Save the SQL Connection info in the Configuration Utility
  7. Next, perform an upgrade of this newly installed UnityIS Server. This upgrade is required to upgrade the newly connected UnityIS database of any database schema changes to the most current version of UnityIS
  8. After the successful upgrade, launch the UnityIS application for the first time on the New Server. If there are any errors launching UnityIS, contact IMRON Support before proceeding any further. Proceed to next step if there are no errors.
  9. Next, in UnityIS, go to Hardware Manager and unlock the module to display the Properties window
  10. In the Hardware Tree, set the Web Service properties to the following values below. (Note: if the Web Service is not visible in the Hardware Tree, make sure the server can communicate to IMRON License Server on TCP port 8080 and domain "office.imron.com"
    • Website Domain: name or IP address of the new UnityIS Server
    • Website Port:  443 (Note: make sure there are no other services installed on this server that is using this port)
    • Service UserName:  specify the Windows domain account with local admin rights to this Server and make sure this same account has 'dbowner' rights to the UnityIS database
    • Auto Start Web Service:  set to True
    • UnityIS Logon:  set to True

      Leave the rest of the properties set to default values
  11. Next. Start the Web Service driver and confirm it has successfully started in Driver Status screen by checking Date Time to display the current date and time
  12. Next, locate the other Hardware Drivers that was running on the old server
  13. Select the Hardware Driver....and modify the Computer_Name property from the old server name to the new server name
  14. Do the above for every Driver that this new Server will host
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