Door Count

The steps below will help you find the number of doors your IMRON system is licensed for and your current door usage count.

If UnityIS in NOT configured to run as a Windows service:

  1. On the UnityIS Server, open the UnityIS software.
  2. Click on Help and then select About.
  3. The pop-up window will display your server information such as Maintenance status, Serial Number, Access Doors licensed for the site and other modules etc.
  4. Click on Door Count at the right bottom, that will open a text file that shows how many doors are currently in the system. This value should not exceed the number of doors licensed for the site.

If UnityIS is configured to run as a Windows Service:

  • Close the UnityIS Windows Application (if opened)
  • Open Windows Services from Windows Administrative Tools & scroll down to the IMRON services and stop the 'IMRON Corporation-UnityIS' Service.
  • Remove UnityIS from running as a service by opening Configuration.exe (Typically located on 'C:\Program Files (x86)\UnityIS\Configuration.exe') as administrator (righ-click and 'run as administrator') and then uncheck the 'Run as a Service' box so it reads 'False' and then click on Save Changes.

A message will appear to show that the 'IMRON Corporation-UnityIS' Uninstalled Successfull. Click on 'OK' to close this message.

  • Open the UnityIS software.
  • Click on 'Help' and then select 'About'

  • The pop-up window will display your server information such as Maintenance Status, Serial Number, Access Doors licensed for the site and other modules etc.

  • Click on Door Count at the right bottom. This will open a text file that shows how many doors are currently in the system. This value should not exceed the number of doors licensed for the site.

Configure UnityIS to run as a service:

  • Make sure you are logged into the computer with a Windows user account that has admin rights to the computer.
  • Run Configuration.exe (Typically located on 'C:\Program Files (x86)\UnityIS\Configuration.exe') as administrator (righ-click and 'run as administrator') and check the 'Run as a Service' box so it reads 'True' and then click on Save Changes.
  • A pop-up message will appear saying that the UnityIS Service installed successfully, click on OK to close it.
  • Open Windows Services from Windows Administrative Tools, scroll down to IMRON services. Right-click on UnityIS Service and click on properties.
  • Under the Log On tab, enter the Windows credentials for the Windows User account currently logged and then click on apply to save changes. If the UnityIS Database (MariaDB or SQL) are on this computer, on the 'General' tab change the start-up type to 'Automatic (Delayed Start)'. Click 'OK' to close the properties window.

  • Start the UnityIS service.
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