Configure Operators to Use Windows Authentication


UnityIS Web supports operator logins that use Windows Authentication. Here's how to configure operator logins to use Windows Authentication:


  • Works with UnityIS Web on-Prem. Not intended for UnityIS Cloud sites. Cloud sites can use Microsoft or Google authentication.
  • Must be logged in with an operator with rights to add operators.


  1. From the main menu click on Configuration and then click on System Settings to access System Configuration.
  2. On the right side, click on Operators.
  3. In the Operators module, click on New Operator button.
  4. In the UserName field, enter the Windows username:
    • if using Windows Active Directory account:  domain\username
    • if using Windows Server Local account: computername\username
  5. In the Profile dropdown menu, select a Profile for this operator.
  6. In the Authentication dropdown menu, select Windows Authentication.
  7. In the Active Directory Server field, enter the name of the AD server. (example: dc01)
  8. Click the Save button.

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