SAFR On-Prem Facial Recognition Setup

Please follow the steps below to configure the SAFR-Scan reader for SAFR On-premises server and UnityIS on-premises server:

Hardware Setup

  • Connect the SAFR-Scan to a PoE network. 
  • Wire the Wiegand output of the SAFR-Scan to the Wiegand port of the access control panel.

Configure SAFR Server

  • Install the complete SAFR Suite of sofware. Go to, create a SAFR account before you can download
  • You'll need the SAFR user account and password to proceed to next steps. Store this information in a safe place

Configure SAFR-Scan to Connect to SAFR Server

  • From a web browser enter the IP address of the reader

  • Click on 'Set Up System Login' and set the admin password and the password recovery email.
  • Login to the SAFR-Scan
  • Select the 'System' menu from the top
  • Specify the type of Server to connect to followed by the connection information:

  • SAFR-Scan will sync with the server.

Configure UnityIS to connect to SAFR Server software

  1. Login to UnityIS Web Client with admin rights
  2. Go to Configuration > Systems Settings
  3. Select the SAFR Configuration menu:
    SAFR Server:  Use Local Server
    SAFR User:  enter your SAFR user name
    SAFR Password:  enter the SAFR user password
    Domain/IP:  enter the IP address of the SAFR Server
    Endpoint #1:  8081 (this is the standard port used by the SAFR Covi REST API service)
    Endpoint #1:  8083
    Endpoint #1:  8085
    Endpoint #1:  8087
  4. Click Save

Once configured, click on Delete Photos from SAFR to remove any old images from all SAFR-Scan readers. This process will take about 25 seconds to complete. If your personnel records already have photos assigned, then click on the Download Photos command to load the new photos to all of the SAFR-Scan readers. If your personnel records do not have photos already assigned, then photos will automatically get downloaded to all SAFR-Scan readers as photos are assigned in Personnel Manager.

Configure a custom Card Format in the software

  • In UnityIS>Hardware Manager, add the 56-bit SAFRcard format to all controllers, that will be using a SAFR-Scan, with the following parameters: 
    • Facility Code = -1
    • Format Function = 1- Wiegand
    • Bits on Card = 56
    • Credential # Bits = 56
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