Personnel records in the Access Control System represent users, such as employees, visitors, or contractors, who are added to define their access control profiles for the facility. Each user is assigned proper access to specific doors during specified times. Follow the steps below to add a new user:
Access Personnel Manager
- From the left-side menu, click Access Control, then select Personnel Manager.
Create a New Record
- At the top-left corner, click the Command button and select +New to add a new record.
- A pop-up window will appear to create the new record.
Enter User Information
- In the Info tab, enter the user's details, such as First Name, Last Name, Email, and any other information required by your company.
Add Credentials
- Navigate to the Credentials tab and click the +Add Credential button.
- Enter the credential details, including Number, Status, Card Format, and Activation/Expiration Date.
- Note: You can add multiple credentials to a user by repeating this step. The expiration date is set to 12:00 AM (midnight) of the selected date.
Assign Access Levels
- Go to the Access Levels tab and click Edit Assigned Access Levels.
- In the pop-up window, select the Controller Group and the desired Access Levels (you can select multiple access levels).
- Click the Apply Selected Access Levels button to assign them to the user.
Save the Record
- Click the Save button to finalize and save the personnel record.
Watch Video Tutorial here.