- Virtually Unlimited Number of Users for Card Access (Host Dependent)
- Arm/Disarm of Areas
- Activate/Deactivate Outputs
- Real-Time Status of Outputs/Inputs using Point Status
- Cross-Platform Activation using the Mercury Hardware Platform and Triggers / Macros
- Graphic Maps
- Vector Drawn Shapes for Visual Status of Armed/Disarmed Areas
- Manually Arm/Disarm Areas and Activate/Deactivate Outputs
- Area Status Indication by Keypad (Armed, Disarmed, Not Ready)
- ELK Automation between Mercury Readers. Example: Valid Card Read from a Mercury Reader will Automatically Disarm the ELK Areas Associated with that Reader
- Unlimited Number of Events for Historical Reporting
Notes on ELK
- The Controller Status Screen in Hardware Manager will display all input and output status, along with temperature status of each keypad
- The Secured Areas module will display the inputs and keypads that are associated to assigned areas.
- Areas can be Armed/Disarmed by clicking one of three buttons: Arm Area, Disarm Area or Force Arm Area
- The Control Points module will display real-time status of the relays.
- Relays can be toggled using one of three buttons: Activate, Deactivate, or Pulse
- The Monitor Points module will display real-time status of the inputs.
- Inputs can be toggled using one of two buttons: Arm or Disarm
- Graphic Maps allows ELK input, relay points and keypads to be plotted, displaying real-time status of each.
- Relays can be toggled using one of three buttons: Activate, Deactivate, or Pulse
- The Event Manager and Alarm Manager modules will report ELK events, supporting over 500 different event types.
- The Triggers and Macros module can be used to create the logic “if this happens (the Trigger) then do this (the Macro)” for the supported ELK commands.
- Command 34 (Burglar Alarm System Command) will allow you to pick an area to Arm/Disarm based on any trigger in the system.
- Commands 2-4 will allow the control of any ELK relay.
- Command 30 (Display Text on LCD Keypad) will allow a text message to be displayed either permanently or temporarily on any one of the 16 ELK keypads.
- Command 36 (Voice Output) will allow voice messages to be played through the ELK voice module. Up to 473 prerecorded words can be used to generate a message that is 250 characters in length.