Mercury- Reset Controller

How to reset a Mercury Controller from the Web Client

Considerations Prior to Performing a Controller Reset

  • Reset Controller is typically done when the controller is out of sync, a new controller is brought online, or the controller is a takeover from a third party system.
  • The Reset Controller process can ONLY be performed when a Controller is ONLINE in the software.
  • The Reset process takes approximately 2-5 minutes, depending on a few factors that include: # of downstream (sub-controllers) are connected, # of Access Levels, Time Schedules and total number of Credentials.
  • During the Reset process, all the doors under the controller and sub-controllers will no longer function.
  • We recommend performing a Reset Controller to one controller at a time. Make sure the controller comes back online and is fully operational, before proceeding to the next controller.
  • Performing a Reset Controller to any Mercury Controller will clear out existing configurations stored in the Mercury controller, and will synchronized the controller with data from the software. The information downloaded back to the controller AFTER the reset includes:  Hardware Configuration, Time Schedules and Holidays, Access Levels, and Personnel Credentials.
  • After the Reset process, the controllers (and sub-controllers) will come back online and the queue will disappear once the configuration has been reloaded. We then recommend a Full Download.

How to Reset a Mercury Controller

  1. Login to Web client with an operator account that has View/Edit rights to Hardware Manager module.
  2. Go to Configuration > Hardware Manager
  3. In the hardware tree, select the 1: MSC:  Access Control Driver
  4. Select the controller you want to reset. In the Controller Status screen on the right, confirm that the controller is ONLINE and displaying the current Date/Time. After confirming the controller is ONLINE, continue on to the reset process.
  5. Right-click the selected controller to launch the Command Window.
  6. In the Command Window, click on the Reset Controller button.
  7. After clicking the Reset Controller button, you can close the Command Window.
  8. The Controller will go offline within a few seconds, and then come back online. 
  9. When the controller comes back online, you should see a Queue counting down.
  10. The Reset process is completed when the Queue message is no longer displayed and the controller is fully online displaying the current Date/Time.
  11. Lastly, we recommend performing a Full Download to the controller.
  12. To send a full download, with the controller highlighted in the hardware tree, select the 'Address: xx' dropdown button located above the MSC driver
  13. Select Download Manager
  14. In Download Manager, click on the checkmark icon to select all the Database in the left. The controller should already be highlighted (selected) in the Controllers section, then click on the Begin Download button
  15. During the Download process, you'll see the Queue countdown bar again.
  16. When the Queue disappears, the download is complete.
  17. To confirm the download is completed, open Event Manager and you should see 'Download Complete...' messages for that controller.

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