OnPrem Migration to IMRON Cloud

Introduction:  This article is intended for  UnityIS Web On-Premises systems that want to migrate to IMRON Cloud Services


  • Existing IS2000/UnityIS MUST be on ACTIVE software maintenance. To check for maintenance status, login to UnityIS, go to Help>About
  • SQL account with System Admin access to existing SQL Server or MariaDB Server
  • Windows account with local admin rights to existing UnityIS Server
  • Confirmation of intention to migration will require 1 day advanced notice to stand up the Cloud server instance
  • Migrating to IMRON Cloud will require 1 Day depending on the size of the system
  • select a Cloud name, for example:  abc.imron.com (replace abc with your client's name)

Pre-Migration Procedures
Note: the Production UnityIS server does not need to be stopped during this process. It can continue to run without any interruptions.

a backup of the existing database is required. any updates on the existing IS2000/UnityIS onprem system after the backup database has been created will not be included in the IMRON Cloud system. 

Migration Procedures
Note: this process will require a technician to login to the Mercury and Azure controllers to reconfigure Host Communication settings to talk "IP Client". For Mercury, UnityIS Cloud require port 3001. For Azure, UnityIS Cloud require port 9723. Axis A1001 controllers will require Port Address Translation (PAT) from private IP of the controller to the public IP of the network to talk to UnityIS Cloud. 

1. Stop all IS2000/UnityIS server services on the existing onprem system.
2. Start up the UnityIS Cloud system
3. Reconfigure Mercury/Azure controller Host Communication, one controller at a time. Click here for instructions
4. Verify in UnityIS Cloud that the controller is now oline

Post-Migration Procedures
Perform a functional test be making sure UnityIS Cloud is:
1. live Events are displaying in Event Manager
2. check to make sure all controllers are online and the Date/Time is current
3. send a momentary unlock on a few doors to confirm commands are being sent to the controller
4. Reconfigure any door schedule unlock/relock
5. Re-confirm any Trigger/Macros
6.IMRO Support will provide Training as needed

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