GUI Layout


The GUI Layout is made up of 3 basic sections: Topbar, Navigation Menu and Main Section


The Tobbar contains the following items from left to right:

  • Software Logo will always take you to the Dashboard page.
  • Title displays the current module.
  • Menu icon will toggle the Navigation Menu width between normal and compact view.
  • Alarms will navigate to the Alarms page.
  • Operator Menu shows the number of currently logged in operators and has the following menu items:
    • Turn Dark Mode OFF/ON
    • Change Password
    • Help
    • Logout

Navigation Menu

The Navigation menu is located along the left of the interface and supports both collapsible and accordion vertical navigation. Clicking on an item will navigate to that specific module.

Main Section

This is the area where the module is displayed, and occupies most of the GUI area.

Watch video tutorial here.

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